Our follow your own flute workshop this past Saturday was great fun and life changing as promised. Thank you Rachel, Johan, Joy, Lidia and Sharon for a memorable workshop. Your generosity of spirit and willingness to play made for a fun filled and meaningful experience.
The overwhelmingly positive feedback we received at the end shows us that we are addressing a deep felt need and doing it in a way that is non threatening, safe and enjoyable. The comment Johan made about how well the process is designed and how well integrated it is warmed my heart – aesthetics and learning, design and impact always go hand in hand.
Don’t forget the Improv Your Foxy Skills Workshop coming up this following weekend! This one is for people who want to stop analyzing and act with confidence in spite of change and uncertainty.
For those interested in the Follow your own flute reading material, you can read the following articles that I have just up loaded:
The story of the Black Prince that we used along with some comments on the versions we generated for the ending at the workshop.
Building character: an article about the elements that form part of the value system of both fictional and real characters,
I invite you to use it to expand on and refine your own value system so that you can act true to your own character in any given situation. Amidst the kakophonie of noise out there, it is essential to get to know your unique melody and follow your own flute.