Tuesday night was the last class of my second Level 1 improv class. What a blast! We just played performance games. I’m so proud of everyone. All the scenes you did would have pleased an audience. The first game we played was Spotlight. This game illustrated that to improvise you just need to step in, do something with confidence and trust the process. It reminded me of started my own business. The only way to get over the fear is to make a strong choice and stick to it.
Next we played Freez tag. Everyone came up with very strong characters and Minki’s scene of the two people on either side of a wall was really beautiful. This game again showed how important it is to step up and let your body think for you. When you stand on the side and try to think of something clever you struggle. But if you step up without an idea, take the position and just see what happens you come up with much more creative ideas.
The next game we played was One Word Interview. In this game an interviewer interviews a two headed expert who is played by two other players who has to answer all the questions one word at a time. Luci (interviewer), Liezel and Franz’s scene about Pinokio was hilarious. They accepted each other’s offers so beautifully and picked strong interesting characters.
The last game for the night was Party game. In this game one player is hosting a party. 3 Other players each get an interesting characteristic such as a movie or theatre style, famous person or kitchen appliance. The host doesn’t know what the characteristics are and must try to figure it out through his interaction with his guests. I thought it was hilarious when Nolan thought that Ruan was an Oriental Opera singer.
Thanks again for everyone’s committed and enthusiastic participation. I really enjoyed teaching this class.
I would really appreciate it if everyone who participated in the class would answer the following feedback questions as a comment here on the blog.
1. In what why did the class have an influence on your life?
2. Would you recommend the class to others? Why?
3. What do you think could prevent others from participating in an improvisation class?
4. What exercise or game did you like the most?
5. What exercise or game did you like the least?
Thanks yall. hope to see you 27 July in my level 2 class.
O yes, pleas add your word from the one word proverb. Mine was “!” Lets see if we can reconstruct it again.
1. I realise Rome wasn’t built in a day, but since embarking on my Improvisation journey I’ve come to realise that Rome, in all likelyhood, was probably built on Improv. To build any lasting structure of value, depth and integrity you need a set of principles that live through you. Slowly and gently through giggles and acceptance Improv is instilling those principles in me.
2.Yes, even if they are reluctant. Just do it…like the game rule states…get into the scene, the rest will take care of itself.It enhances all your best parts, forgotten and hidden treasures surface.
3. Fear…I wonder if inviting potential newcomers to one of your classes to “observe” could work… getting them there is the hardest part.
4. I love all the performance games and the status and character building exercises.
5. The singing… I prefer when my brain has my body as a back up!
1. In what why did the class have an influence on your life?
Seker die grootste invloed van die klas was dat dit net weer die knoppie van my verbeelding aangegryp het! Ek droom weer groot en dink aan die kreatiefste, vreemdste en snaakste goed in my kop. Dit leer mens ook om weer te speel, voorwaar so baie pret!!!Om jou hele liggaam te gebruik, jy verbaas nogals jouself elke keer! In ‘n werksopset het dit baie beteken in die sin dat dit vir my geleer om teenwoordig te wees in alle situasies, dat “everything in life is an offer” – om nie ander se idees net af te skiet nie, om die energie van ‘n groep aan die gang te hou. Dit was so ‘n great verrykende ervaring en ek gaan sonder om te blik of te bloos inskryf vir die 2 de klas. Ek sal dit vir enige iemand aanbeveel.
2. Would you recommend the class to others? Why?
Natuurlik! Burgert is een van die ongelooflikste mense wat ek ken. Hy maak die klasse so interessant en lekker en jy stap as ‘n nuwe en verrykte mens daaruit. Hierdie klasse voeg regtig waarde toe tot jou lewe.
3. What do you think could prevent others from participating in an improvisation class?
Miskien ‘n wanpersepsie dat jy op die spot gaan wees en nie gaan weet wat om te doen nie? Of die feit dat jy dink jy sal nie goed wees daarin nie? – wat lekker is van die klas is dat mens heeltyd speletjies speel in groepsverband en dat jy van jou ander mede groeplede afhanklik is. ‘n ander baie belangrike ding wat ons geleer het is “make your partner look good” – ‘n mens raak geleidelik al hoe meer op jou gemak en op die einde van die klasse is jy so te sê verslaaf daaraan. 🙂
4. What exercise or game did you like the most?
O jinne, daar is so baie! Die ontspan oefeninge aan die begin van baie klasse was heerlik om rustig te raak…
Die status games was besonders lekker vir my & ook die klasse wat gefokus het op beweging. Die onrealistiese goed was eintlik die lekkerste omdat die wêreld waarin ons leef so baie keer heeltemal te realisties is en kreatiwiteit en verbeelding demp.
5. What exercise or game did you like the least?
Die speletjie waar ons moes vrae vra oor ‘n “partytjie” wat die host gereel het en jy moet uitvind wat dit was… hectic. Wil nou nie die game weggee nie, maar ek’t bietjie gesukkel né Juan.!
my woord was die laaste een en dit was “LEKKER”
1. In what why did the class have an influence on your life?
– Ek is gechallange om HEELTEMAL buite die boksie te dink. Dit is goed om jou comfort zones te challange en agter te kom daar is “meer” in die lewe. Die goeie ding is ek het besef hoe ek fun gaan he met my kinders teenoor om elke dag TV te kyk, want meeste van die tyd het ons net gespeel 🙂 Die lewe kan so erenstig raak en baie leer n mens die meeste as jy net… speel 🙂
2. Would you recommend the class to others? Why?
YES! YES! YES!!! I will leave it as a mystery … But it is that hidden treasure in you that you have been looking for but could not find. This class is another step towards finding that treasure in you…
3. What do you think could prevent others from participating in an improvisation class?
They think that they are not actors and need to be an actor to participate. Secondly they can feel challenged by the idea of “playing” as us grown-up are stuck in corporate environments each day… so you can think, I don’t have time to play… I’m now a grown-up
4. What exercise or game did you like the most?
The imaginary one where you can create your environment. It helped me to understand how you can create a space where you are comfortable even if it is a space outside of your confort zone…
But I must add in every game I played I learned something!
5. What exercise or game did you like the least?
– Where I had to work in sync with a person who was my mirror image. I understand the idea of the game and what we had to learn, but I like my personal space and that was a challenge when someone mirrored me and copied everything I do…
Maar soos Minki se, 1% is n challange en die ander is net LEKKER!
Op daai nooit… LEKKER wees, sien julle verseker weer!
Dankie Burgert. Was bitter lekker gewees!
1. In what way did the class have an influence on your life?
The class gave me a lot of laughs, and helped me to relax and express myself. It’s wonderful to be in an environment where you can experiment and let go – I’m sure it’ll reduce my propensity to cancer in the long run! I also learned a lot about unlocking group creativity more effectively. The principles are timeless, and applicable to various fields.
2. Would you recommend the class to others? Why?
Most certainly! It is just so much fun, and you rediscover interesting bits and pieces of yourself. You also learn a great deal about the creative process, in practical terms, and you get to apply this learning. It could also help you to reconnect with your “inner-child”, allowing you to experience the joys of playing again!
3. What do you think could prevent others from participating in an improvisation class?
We are all very self-conscious; you have to give up a bit of your inhibitions to fully participate in the class. I’m sure people will also have various mis-perceptions about what improv is really about…it’s sort of a new concept, to me at least.
4. What exercise or game did you like the most?
I enjoyed all the games, especially the games that actually incorporated a lot of the principles in the form of acting out a scene, having an interview, or guessing an object, person etc. The basic games like being present through simply mimicking each other etc. was also great fun. It’s nice to use your body in expressing yourself.
5. What exercise or game did you like the least?
Showing a vast range of different emotions was very difficult for me, but not unpleasant.
Ek dink my woord was “mense”…
1. In what way did the class have an influence on your life?
It brings all the parts together. It feels like this is one of the few opportunities that I have to get my head and my body properly acquainted. And they actually like each other!
2. Would you recommend the class to others? Why?
Oh, but of course! I think you acquire tools in this class that is valid and applicable to all areas of your life. Like children on a playground we grow and learn through play.
3. What do you think could prevent others from participating in an improvisation class?
I think many people think that because they are not natural performers this class will not be for them. While in actual fact you don’t really need to perform – you just get a chance to give all the voices in your head an opportunity to speak or act.
4. What exercise or game did you like the most?
I liked the status skits and games where you can build on a scene and develop solid characters.
5. What exercise or game did you like the least?
Can’t really say – all of the games are good. Sometimes despite, or especially because, they put you in a rather uncomfortable position.